Приложение АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ESL-1 ЧИТАЙ И СЛУШАЙ! “АЛИСА В СТРАНЕ ЧУДЕС” - текст написан Льюисом Кэрролл и адаптирован Дж.К. Горхам – одно из лучших приложений созданное для изучающих английский язык компанией Текстоника для тренировки и развития навыков чтения и слушания.
Это приложение для вас, если вы изучаете английский как второй язык (English as your second language /ESL). В отличии от обычных книг и пособий по иностранному языку это приложение удобно для тех, кто хочет иметь возможность читать и слушать английский текст одновременно.
Вы будете изучать английский читая и слушая адаптированную версию знаменитой книги “АЛИСА В СТРАНЕ ЧУДЕС” , начитанную для вас носителями языка.
АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ESL-1 ЧИТАЙ И СЛУШАЙ! “АЛИСА В СТРАНЕ ЧУДЕС” улучшит ваше знания и разовьёт навыки понимания английского языка.
Ключевые слова/ Keywords
Английский, Читать, Слушать, Тексты, Дети , ESL, Reading Skills, Listening Skills, Learn English, English Study, EFL, English as second language, TOEIC, TOEFL, ALICES ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND, Lewis Carroll, Алиса в Стране Чудес, Льюис Кэрролл.
Пожалуйста, посетите нашу страницу в сети: http://www.textonica.com/ESL-CATLOG для дополнительной информации и чтобы познакомиться со всеми приложениями - новинками для изучающих английский язык.
You will learn English through reading and listening simultaneously to the famous version of Alices Adventures in Wonderland.
Adapted text read by several native speakers is a perfect learning environment for reading and listening practice for young readers and for adult ESL classes.
Each chapter of the book comes with audio and text, which helps you to improve your English listening and reading skills.
If your English Reading skills are better, it is recommended, that you listen to the audio version of the one chapter of the book first, then read the same chapter, and then listen it again. Or, if your English Listening skills are better, it is recommended, that you read the text version of the one chapter of the book first, then listen to the same chapter, and then read it again.
You can test your English understanding by re-telling the story to other English students. Pay attention to the characters in the story, to the dialogs and author’s remarks.
“ALICES ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND RETOLD IN WORDS OF ONE SYLLABLE” is a retelling by J. C. Gorham of Lewis Carrolls novel, written in 1905 and published by A. L. Burt of New York. It is one of a series of "One Syllable Books", which were "selected specially for young peoples reading, and told in simple language for youngest readers". (WIKIPEDIA)
“In the early twentieth century, great books were often “retold in words of one syllable” so that the language would be easier for beginning readers. In this adaptation, Mrs. J. C. Gorham “cheats” only a little, hyphenating some longer words that couldn’t be avoided—but the text remains a lively and enjoyable retelling of Lewis Carroll’s classic tale. Recommended for young readers and for adult literacy classes.” (EVERTYPE.COM)
Please note this is NOT the official application from Guttenberg Project or LibriVox Projects. All recording are made by volunteers and are in public domain. To know more about LibriVox please visit LibriVox.org.
Text Source: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/19551
Voice Source: https://librivox.org/alice-in-wonderland-retold-in-words-of-one-syllable-by-jc-gorham/
Readers: Shelby Rae Lyon, Chris Moland, Mike T., Carol Cotter, Judy Derby, Anna Vince, Roohi, Bruce Durflinger